All Eyes On Rafah… Are The Hearts Too?
After the latest incidents and what happened in Rafah recently, I started to question the existence of the sense of humanity. It has become clear to me that they have successfully succeeded in separating the Islamic nation. When you start to consider Palestinians as outsiders rather than brothers and sisters in Islam, you separate yourself from them. This is when you start to see them as “others” instead of “us.” While eyes might be redirected to Rafah, what about the hearts? The unity of the Islamic nation becomes divided into small groups called countries, which gives a greater sense of diversity and separation. It gets even deeper when the same country starts to divide into small groups based on ethnicity, language, and cultures. These are the destroyers of unity.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.”
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: “مثل المؤمنين في توادهم و تراحمهم و تعاطفهم مثل الجسد؛ إذا اشتكى منه عضو تداعى له سائر الجسد بالسّهر والحمّى” رواه مسلم
This is the only thing we should identify with. Instead of starting by identifying as Moroccan or Arab, start by identifying yourself as a Muslim to revive the link with your brothers and sisters in Islam. Direct your heart to Rafah, pray for our Palestinian brothers, and do as much as you can to support Palestine.