Life Already have an ultimate purpose
Part 2: Life already have a meaning search for it it’s not relative
The pursuit of life’s ultimate purpose, as I have traversed it through the passage of time, has proven to be a perplexing endeavor. With the gradual maturation of my years, a discernment has crystallized: our preoccupation with our individuality tends to detach us from the profound symphony of universal existence. Each person, it appears, conceives of their existence as a narrative, perhaps even as a theatrical opus, wherein they occupy the role of the protagonist. Usually, individuals are wont to inflate their significance to a degree wherein they entertain the notion that life could possess an autonomous significance curated to satisfy their personal desires.
The prevailing mindset fixated on individuality has made it difficult for individuals to grasp the profound dimensions inherent in discussions concerning the meaning of life. Indeed, the ambit of such contemplations far transcends the boundaries of ordinary human cognition. Absent the benevolent beacon of divine guidance, life might languish in a state bereft of genuine purpose, ensnared in an unending seek to appease one’s insatiable yearnings.Divine guidance, by contrast, bestows upon humanity a meticulously delineated path to navigate existence fully while steadfastly concentrating on the veritable crux of existence.
To be continued….